Resolution number one: NO MORE BEING LATE! Gloups!!!
Having said that - I'm not exactly LATE. Technically in France we can send our New Year's wishes up until Jan 31st... However, apparently one's resolutions should be resolutely set before end December. Pfffff! Time is such a human invention!
"To Change One's Life = Start Immediately! I see no reason to wait for Jan 1st to do so!! Anyone else with me on that one?
In fact, I've been collecting fabulous inspirational resolutions over the last few months on
Pinterest and for all sorts of mental health reasons, got started working on them before the New Year popped over the horizon.
One of them was a Facebook Sabbatical so you won't see me on there for a week or so ;-) The most inspiring of them I've decided to share with you every day until the end of January, starting with this one:

If I get the time while I'm Carp(e)ing the hell out of my Diems to actually scribble some of these down in my own style I'll be sure to substitute them in. It depends how long it takes me to light the wood stove in my atelier in order to keep my fingers warm. How much relative benefit is there in taking half an hour to light the stove for half an hour calligraphy? I'm thinking I may be better off going for an hour's run in the freezing rain, or 'saving' calligraphy hours for one long stretch when the time it takes to encourage some heat out of the stove is less disheartening, n'est ce pas?
In other words, sometimes Carp(e)ing one's Diem means knowing how to
prioritise and best
organise one's self in order to get the most out of the 365 things one should be probably be packing into a year rather than trying to fit into 24 hours!
While I'm prioritising and organising, however, you're welcome to pop by for a quick coaching session and a daily pretty Pinterest pick me up. Sort of like a visual wheat grass smoothie for you!
Have a wonderful DIEM yourself friends :) It's time I woke the kids for their homeschooling...
PS. I will be forever thankful to you
Meredy for finding this on Pinterest :) It motivates me even on the darkest European winter mornings as the wind howls outside and the rain rattles against the window pane and I fight the urge to go back to bed and wait until Spring dawns...