Sunday, January 30, 2011

The best and most beautiful things in the world...

… cannot be seen, 

or even touched.

They must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller

Science experiment #1 for kids, and kids at heart.
Do bubbles freeze???
Have you ever wondered that?

Wait till you see what other tricks I've got up my sleeve
 to get the messmonsters outside and breathing deeply 
in sub zero temps :)

Some of my OWN artwork nearly ready to post 
(not counting our recently constructed papier maché volcano!!)

Hope you're all set for a wonderful week.
And that you have made careful note 
to surround yourself with beautiful things.

Happy Birthday 
to my dearest Dad, 
my dear friend Patricia, 
and my god son Dorian

Finally got those Indian shots sorted out 
with stories to tell later in the week,
like being invited to be a 'second wife'
by the first wife!!. 

Now please excuse me, 
while I prepare myself for the rollercoaster ride school week
Love to all


  1. You go Mama!
    Looks like an awesome "freezing" science experiment.
    Can't wait to see your art- have awesome week!

  2. ...are you kidding me??!.I wrote "awesome" twice!!!
    Sorry a wee bit tired today.
    Rephrase; "have a most "excellent" week.

  3. Thanks, but I have quite enough wintry stuff here right now!

    I hope Mama was OK in last night's cyclone? All OK at home so far...

  4. Oh wow, a frozen bubble experiment - pure genius! Note to self: Must try!!

  5. Frozen bubbles? You are a fantastic teacher! Take a look at my post about the ice balls on the shore of Lake Ontario. Your "students" might find this interesting. ~ Sarah

  6. Hi my friend - so nice to pop by and catch up with your busy-ness at long last. I have to say, the frozen bubble experiment sounds like fun - just the sort of thing my Milly would enjoy discovering. I'm laughing at the messmonsters outside and breathing deeply - this sounds like that line from The Sound of Music! Can't wait for some Indian colour - love that flower garland image. Take care, Amanda xx

  7. Oh Ange,
    I wish that we had had a teacher like you when I was at school!!
    Have fun enlightening the messmonsters. XXXX

  8. Frozen bubbles! That's *almost* enough to make me want to go outside on this freezing cold day! :) You are such a cool mum and teacher. xoxo Gigi

  9. so good to read your positive posts once more. Love the reminder of what's really beautiful! Oh, no, boys are back in the house; time to re-focus them . . .homeschooling has it's challenges. Looking forwork to seeing more artwork.

  10. I had never wondered it, until now! Wishing you a marvelous week my sweet - kisses to my french family s'il vous plait!

  11. The way I can tell when it reaches sub zero temps outside is when I feel my nose hairs freeze....ewwwww sorry about that! But I absolutely love that image of your frozen bubble, who knew?! Good to see you posting again! xoxo ~Lili

  12. such beautiful images here-- wonderful post

  13. what an interesting question
    ...i love the thought
    of the rainbows in the bubbles

    looking forward
    to the unfolding of


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!