Saturday, February 18, 2012

Trust in yourself

At the moment I'm a little lost for words …
A rare occurrence, I assure you, so make the most of it ;-)
(My father used to say I could talk under water with a mouth full of marbles)
It appears that some of the fog clouding my decisions has melted away with the last of the snow. To continue homeschooling or not to continue homeschooling. To blog or not to blog. Which end of my art project to get off the ground first and how much extra sleep deprivation I will  need to pull it all together. Whether or not housework should be counted as an issue in all that...
Trust in yourself
Apologies for the bad scan. I haven't had time to download photos of any new pieces. Scanning's quicker. 
Trying to cut corners

A special friend dropped in for 10 days just when I was looking for direction.
Some early morning meditation by a log fire.
A few sessions watching 'time management' videos on YouTube
Some 'concentric circles' practice for (re)defining clear objectives


Trust in your Self. 
And everything will fall into place
Acrylic, Ink and an interesting piece of metal as a makeshift tool.

I won't be back for another couple of weeks.
There is much work to be done :)
Blessings to one and all


  1. I am now describing myself as "idea rich. time poor..."

  2. wishing you grace each step of the way
    maybe not attempting to know the best choices will bring clarity to you?

    I have never heard: I could talk under water with a mouth full of marbles. It creates quite an image.

    your pieces are so summery in color, a joy to my eyes.

    wishing you days that feel wonderful to you.

  3. And blessings to you, too, Ange. I'm glad that things are somewhat clearer and you sound like you've got a direction to be heading in now.

  4. Be well, do good work, keep in touch.
    Thinking of you.

  5. Bonjour mon Ange !
    Je suis contente d'avoir de tes nouvelles. Ah! Ces cercles concentriques et excentriques ... probablement que l'Initiation vers une plus grande ouverture du coeur et une élevation karmique passe par cela. Ne jamais baisser les bras. Toujours se recentrer, se focaliser à nouveau sur l'important.
    Mais ne pars pas trop loin, ne t'éloigne pas trop de la création ... car cela aussi est de la méditation. Et je suis certaine que cela contribue à ton bonheur.

    Je t'embrasse fort.


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!