Thursday, October 7, 2010

Il est Interdit d'Interdire! The jury's still out on this one...

Whoever made that up didn't have real kids!

Messmonster:|mesmonster  ˈmesmänstər |noun [usu. in sing. ]:

* Accomplished perpetrator of immediate and apparently permanent chaos disguised in a miniature human body. Thrives on a mixture of bribery, threats, stolen jelly beans and what appears to be NO sleep. Characterised by its uncompromising strength and determination in the face of authority. Known to harbour a blatant disregard for homeschooling mothers that is cleverly dissimulated under a joyous, devil-may-care attitude. Allergic to all forms of housework and cleanliness.

Homeschooling Mother / Artiste: |ärˈtēst|noun]:

* A professional entertainer seemingly normal female adult, with l'extraordinaire capacity to understand and teach foreign languages or complicated math problems that she can't recall ever understanding at school. Thrives on champagne, the faint prospect of sleep, and bribing messmonsters with jelly beans. Allergic to housework but paradoxically addicted to cleanliness. Slightly masochistic tendency to create more housework and less cleanliness through keeping 3 messmonsters at home during a normal school year. Dreams frequently of calligraphy and paints...

Problem n°1 (Maths, Art & English all rolled into one):

If a bottle of pink champagne = 75cl,  how many glasses can Mummy have to steady her nerves while cooking dinner before emptying the bottle? 5 points

Describe the champagne's exact shade and tone of pink: 2 points

Spot the French word in the sentences above and explain the difference between Champagne and Méthode Champenoise: 3 points 

No really, I'm just joshin' ya!

I'm R.E.A.L.L.Y enjoying the challenges and rewards of homeschooling the possums, especially now that, since I've finally started transferring truckloads boxes of paints, inks and papers across to the studio once lessons are finished, I've almost been reunited with my bedroom floor. 
Still sort of tracing a path through a minefield of soon-to-be-moved books and bits just to reach my bed. You can all see a glimpse of carpet there though, can't you? It wasn't there last week!! I'm making slow progress I assure you :)

Been saving the drawers below, that I found in a vide grenier just 2km down the road, for the day I would have my very own atelier.

Loved this chippy old home-made block of drawers that I found in a mechanic's garage in the Ariège region at the foot of the Pyrenées.

All this organising has allowed me to re-acquaint myself with lots of long forgotten vintage treasures off which some will be going into the giveaway that I'll be announcing officially this weekend. Still got a bit more putting awayering to go before I can actually work in here, but it's getting there!

Pop by over the weekend for a 'full of gratitude' giveaway
The one I've been promising for months now.
French vintage. Paper. A touch of calligraphy.



  1. I just made my way to you from your post at Gigi's. What a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing your heart there. You made my day.

  2. Hello Ange,
    You are as entertaining as always! Those kiddos are so lucky to have you as their Mom and teacher! Your drawers are wonderful...both sets! Congrats on your organization progress...your atelier will be all set up and beautiful very soon....
    Thanks for being YOU...

  3. Your very own atelier! I'm so excited for you, Ange. That would be a dream come true for me.
    As I said earlier, those messmonsters are lucky students to have you to guide them through the joy of learning. LIke the idea of champagne for the teacher! ~ Sarah

  4. Dear Ange
    I'm sure you are learning just as much from your youngin's as they from you... Love that first set of drawers.. can they be the giveaway? and can I win? hahahaha

    Have a lovely week xxx Julie

  5. I think I'll need several bottles of champagne to check the answer on the first question. I have been thinking of you, as I pack mine off to school in the mornings. I'd love to hear more about the nitty gritty of your home schooling project.
    Bon courage a toute la famille!

  6. I may have to try a practical experiment on question no.1 in order to get the answer correct! Love those new dictionary definitions, but truly don't know how you do it all. I salute you for all that you accomplish Ange.
    Love both sets of drawers but those chippy blue ones and the old bottles are particularly lovely!

  7. I've got two messmonsters who can miraculously create mess from nothing.

    I've given up on the housework thing which turned me into a raging lunatic, so have a cleaning lady twice a week. Peace and calm restored. :)
    AND tax deductible. J'AIME!

  8. organizing always makes a bigger mess first and then it becomes so satisfying...adorable usual.
    love those drawers!

  9. As you know Ange, I am completely in awe of you ....... to home school ones children is such an admirable thing to do and I know that you will do the BEST job.
    I am also VERY excited about your giveaway.
    Happy putting awayering !! XXXX

  10. This post made me miss you even more! I can't wait to see the finished atelier photos!!!
    Thinking of you,

  11. mmm champagne....
    cheers to pulling it all together. organization is definitely not my middle name. i missed that gene altogether :)
    ~laura x

  12. Merci, Ange!

    Your post just made my day as the tears of conspiratorial laughter from a homeschooling mother of five messmonsters roll down my face. LOVE IT!

    Bonne journee,


  13. love the blue chest of drawers! good for you to get so tidy with all those messmonsters!

  14. are doing it, well done!! I look forward to following your progress, from one Virgo to another, hang in there!!

    Best wishes for a studious week :))

    Jeanne xx

  15. I love all your images Ange - they are so delicious


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!