Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon Tea for two...

La Vie imite l'Art...
... bien plus que l'Art n'imite la vie,
Oscar Wilde

Je suis bien d'accord avec Mr Wilde!

Vous voyez? Je viens de surprendre 3 de mes tasses à thé, chinées dans les brocantes entre l'Australie et la France, essayant de se faire passer pour de l'art... Elles ont même détourné mes pots d'encres et gouaches pour se camoufler!

Pendant que je peins, je ne me permets que rarement les distractions du genre 'petit afternoon tea entre amies.'  Mais aujourd'hui je fais une exception! C'est Plumed Pen qui m'invite et j'en suis ravie. Ahh le luxe! Je me permets le temps d'une pause avec des amies - sans quitter la maison!

Alors installez vous le temps d'une respiration profonde et
permettez moi de vous offrir un Yogi Tea aux épices et  des bonbons AMORiNo venus de Paris via ma copine Sabina!

"Allez Ange, au boulot! Finie la pause. Ton nouveau tableau dans les couleurs douces des bonbons à la violette requested by the Dear Dr M n'est pas encore fini, et les messmonsters ne vont pas tarder à arriver..."
Voici la voix de la raison qui me sollicite!
Revenez demain, et je vous montrerai le tableau fini. Mais CHUUUUUUT, c'est une surprise! Dr M ne peut pas le voir avant jeudi 19 novembre..
Ce fut un moment de détente bien agréable mais toute bonne chose à une fin.
Mais "Les folies sont les seules choses que l'on ne regrette jamais"!
N'est ce pas Mr Wilde...


  1. Bonjour! Je ne comprend pas francais, but the colors in your post are luscious!

  2. being that I don't speak French, and that I cannot get the translator to work on your blog - I'll guess what it says: that you are working on a project with purple and candy colors?

  3. It would be hilarious but probably completely useless if you got the translator to work by the way - That gadget does the FUNNIEST translations (often completely unintelligible) that I have ever read!

  4. Merci!.., As my skill in speaking " en francais" is is considerably lacking, I will merely say thanks for partaking , mon cheri!

    I realize that these little delights in your photo are bon bons; yet in a book I own about "French Teas"; ( that is the title of the book), the author shows these darling little confections that are similar, and she referred to them as "Pate Sucre".., (Hers were in fact molded sugar, whereas yours are these darling little bonbons) ~ I Hope that you enjoyed taking tea with us my dear!..,

    I especially love the violette bonbons; where do you buy these;obviuosly in France I'm assuming; yet I wonder where they may sell them online?~ Do you know perhaps where?..,

    At the AMORiNO or perhaps Yogi Tea that you mention?.., Ah, my deplorable lack of ability to even read French, let alone speak French!..,

    Thanks also for pointing out that my blog takes forever to load!~ Because I wonder if people just get frustrated and pop off else- where!..,

    Not always, yet now and again I also find it is difficult for me to open my own blog as well!

    ~Yet I am technologically challenged, therefore I find it difficult to ammeliorate the problem!.., (Also, the music in my left side bar, doesn't help matters; it's a big portion of the reason for the slowing of the loading or caching through I think)!

    Cheers from silken Purse, at The Plumed Pen

  5. Dear Silken Purse, It was a pleasure to partake, even if we never got to chat! I believe the Amorino site has an English version if you want to buy their very beautiful AND delicious bonbons! Yogi tea is particularly delicious and the link is to the US site I think! See you soon...

  6. Bonjour Ange…

    Je suis si heureux que vous ayez pris un repos pour préparer ce beau thé de lavande pour nous! La lavande d'Ahhh…est l'une de mes couleurs préférées! Votre ami Sabrina était si doux pour te fournir les sucreries délicieuses de Paris!!!

    Merci du beau thé!
    Chari @Happy To Design


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!