Sunday, March 14, 2010

On ne diminue pas le bonheur...

... en le partageant

En attendant la reprise de mes pinceaux adorés... 

je jette un coup d'oeil dehors

et je retrouve toute l'inspiration qu'il me faut ;-)

Cette semaine, un peu plus de calligraphie 
à partager avec vous...

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  1. Hooray for more calligraphy!! I can't wait. xo Gigi

  2. Have fun with the calligraphy Ange.. and all that snow!! xx Julie

  3. Ange, vos photos sont très inspirant, mais je suis malade de la neige et attendent un peu de soleil.....

    Bisous, L

  4. If only I was there and had a sled handy! I'm good at creating calligraphy in the snow. Hope you have a beautiful week, Ange!

  5. Oh no Ange, not more snow ?
    I'm sure you have had enough of it now. Still, it is very pretty and fun for the children. Does this mean that you are snowed in and that you can spend time creating ? That's one good thing that has come from more snow.
    Have a great week. XXXX

  6. Brrr! At least the sun is shining! Enjoy!

  7. I love it when shadows are blue!


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!