Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The secret of success according to Bruce Mao

THE SECRET OF SUCCESS, a book of quotations celebrating human creativity. 

1. Allow events to change you.
You have to be willing to grow. Growth is different from something that happens to you. You produce it. You live it. The prerequisites for growth: the openness to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them.

Still no time to paint... or calligraph
My quills and nibs are calling.
In a brief attempt at escape I stumbled upon Bruce's Incomplete Manifesto
Quite a bit of wisdom in there...
Enough to keep me satisfied until Thursday afternoon when I can pull my inks out again! 


  1. hi ange

    seeing U2 live changed me, seriously.
    rocked my world. most things do


  2. I am open and willing.
    Bring it on! :) Just not too much...

  3. Thanks for that Ange..it is a nice touch to end my day. Off experiencing new places and new people..I am allowing events to change me...
    Hope you get time to attend to your quills and ribs. I think Virgo's are in need of creative expression these days...a good outlet, don't you think?
    Happy Creating!

  4. Hey Ange
    For me this represent Fate vs Destiny..Destino!! One you allow to happen to you.. the other you go out in search of.. hope you can get back to your creative pursuits soon... Have fun xx Julie

  5. What is your manifesto, Ange? I guess, there are bits and pieces of your manifesto contained all over this blog aren't there? It's all gold, Ange. Meredy xo.

  6. Growth is not something that just happens to you - I love this! I like being a part of my own destiny.

    I do hope you get some time to create soon - you create so beautifully!

  7. Wow, that is really powerful. "the openess to experience events and the willingness to be changed by them." I love this. ~Lili

  8. Yes! I fully believe that we have to actively seek growth and positive change. Love this quote, darling Ange! xo

  9. Wow, Bruce Mao's incomplete manifesto is fantastic, thanks Ange. Hope Thursday afternoon comes quickly : )

  10. My goal for today- Always take out, always take out, always take out. This event has changed me. Love your blog.

  11. Hi Ange,
    I think that I must be a very content person who is quite averse to change, therefore, I probably haven't grown as much as I should have in my life !! Never mind. I'm quite happy with that, but, the quote is a very profound one.
    I bet that you are itching to get back to those inks, arnn't you Ange ? ..... and , go for it with the ring image on my last post !! XXXX

  12. I agree with his manifesto, incomplete as it is.


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!