Sunday, March 21, 2010

Right under Washington's nose!

A slender acquaintance with the world 
must convince every man 
that actions, not words, 
are the true criterion of the attachment of friends.
George Washington

If you've been reading recently you'll know that I've been on a lucky streak. This lucky streak has been going on for most of my life. Well - that's how I see it anyway. But recently, things have really been picking up! Life has been even more full of surprises than usual... 

 For example, I won my very first giveaway. (OOPS! It was my 2nd - so that means I'm extra lucky. Cheers and applause!!) I knew the parcel was coming ... Ma chère Gigi had forewarned me. What she had brilliantly kept secret was it's exact contents, so  I wasn't prepared for was the beautiful aroma when I opened the mailbox. It seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite put my finger (or nose) on it. The day the box arrived, the messmonsters were all jostling each other to get to it first- it's nearly Pokemon's birthday you see... 
'PAS TOUCHE!' said I in very bad French, 'c'est pour moi!!'

To the messies' disgust, I took my time opening the parcel. They just couldn't understand why I didn't rip the paper off and fling it on the floor in wild abandon like they would do. Actually, although I'm  annoyingly precious about conserving wrapping paper, I confess to wantonly throwing myself onto presents  food, art, supplies, food, life, exquisite clothing, brocantes, food... with wild abandon - so 3 pairs of inquisitive little eyes eventually left digusted, in search of more promising adventure. But not before Libellule threw  at me in her usual flippant manner, 'Maman, I smell lavendar!' What can you expect from a child who has Provençal genes? 
So that was it! And right under Washington's nose at that, for the said lavendar was beautifully encased in a small glass bottle and wrapped in a fine beige tissue paper, which was humbly adorned with a tiny red stamp. That tiny red stamp wore nothing but Washington's face! 

I spent a while contemplating that stamp.
Before I unwrapped the parcel...

I then spent a while examining the BOSTON bottle inside from every possible angle, before letting myself discover the rest of the box, which in itself was a visual feast. A vibrant rainbow of blue, yellow and red that took me all the way to the Dominican Republic and the back streets of its cigar industry. From France, to Boston to the République Dominicaine... Two extra countries without leaving my sofa. Travelling in the mind's great for the morale, not to mention the bank account!


I could just tell from the whimsical and careful way everything was wrapped, then placed inside the box that Gigi did not become a poet, but was born one. Poet is as Poet does. Poetry is not merely about writing words. Many of us are word mills. Ahem ... (blushing)

A true Poet feels before she thinks.  This shines through, not only in the delicacy and poignancy of Gigi's prose, but in the regular, imaginative musings and snippets she shares of her daily life in her blog The Magpie's Fancy. And for me, (blessed I be) it was oh so present in the thoughtful arrangement of  goodies she added to the exquisite photo that was the initial prize. I have one of these typewriters ...I wish I could type butterflies with it.  

There were many other wee treasures in that vibrant cigar box: a little red notebook, more of the polished sea glass I love so to add to the collection I started with Fearless Nester, hearts nestled safely within the folds of a woven nest, vintage cards, precious beads to adorn the simple string bows... 
...and two of my favourite words: 
They just ooze challenge and adventure, don't they? 
Conjures up all sorts of fun ideas, like treasure hunts...

Now Mr Washington, I dare to agree and not disagree for once. Should I consider intently this slender acquaintance, I am certain to find that the attachment of friends is both defined by words and sealed through actions...

In other words - you've won a heart!
Merci Gigi, 
Je suis sincèrement touchée.

For more secrets and fun ideas from artists around the world, don't forget to pop over to Seth's Secret Sunday at the Altered Page ... it's up there on my sidebar.

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  1. A beautiful package Ange...I would say your luck is definitely with you!
    May it reign forever!

  2. I am love with the very pretty.
    C'est tres jolie!
    Sat on pins and needles until you opened the paper...and what a lovely bottle with lavender.
    You lucky duck Ange!

  3. Dear Ange,
    I know all about Gigi's beautiful giveaways as I won her first one. She put many things in the parcel, and one was sea glass and shells which I have on my mantlepiece in my study. I think of Gigi everytime I go in there and see it. That is the beauty of giveaways. Not only is the gift wonderful, but it is a reminder of the person who gave it to you.
    You have won a wonderful giveaway and an even more wonderful friend. XXXX

  4. Hello, Lovely! So glad you enjoyed your package! It was a treat to put it together for you, and it was a second treat to see your beautiful photos and eloquent description. I especially love that you could actually smell the lavender in the mailbox! I hesitated to send it, because that lavender was, of course, originally from France; it seemed a little silly to send it right back there, but once I poured it into the vintage Boston bottle, it just seemed at home in it. I finally decided that it needed to make the voyage back to France.

    I feel certain that one day we'll adventure together, daring to find all sorts of treasures!

    All best,
    Gigi xoxo

  5. What a treasure filled package. I can see why you took your time opening it. Thanks too Ange for your note about Secret Sundays!!

  6. Oh Ange! What a gorgeous gift! I agree with you about Gigi. She's got a rare and beautiful soul, a true Poet's soul.

  7. PS I feel quite certain that this is the first time my name has been connected with George Washington's--I love it!!

  8. what a sweet day! you must deserve it.

  9. Oh I just love Gigi's blog too! What a beautiful package she put together for you. This was such a lovely post to read too Ange, and it was nice to be able to savor those images right along with you! ~Lili

  10. Hi Ange
    What a lovely gift for you to receive from across the oceans.. you can see Gigi has put her heart into compiling that special bundle.. I'm like you and love to linger a bit over the wrappings and always keep the stamps, ribbons, paper and postmarks even.. haha and of course then promptly forget where I have stashed it all... Well You are indeed a lucky girl... and how wonderful to receive a gift where the scent presented itself first.. Have a great week xx Julie

  11. I must say, it seems to be christmas nearly every week in your house! What lovely surprises you have been finding in your post box, lucky girl! Trois semaines de demain mon amie (and yes, I realize that is probably wrong, but the fact is, technically it is correct - three weeks!!! yippy!!!)

  12. Lucky you, what a fabulous prize. I suggest you go and buy a euro millions ticket :-)

    Bisous, L x

  13. oh what a lovely parcel - lucky you!

  14. Well they say you make your own luck, and you so deserve a gorgeous parcel like this one. I was hanging along in there with your lovely images and couldn't wait to see what was inside. The wrapping was so special - no wonder you took your time. xx

  15. Well I say Huh! That should have been me, winning all that lovely stuff. France is so full of lovely stuff already, n'est ce pas? Surely more is wasted on you. Then I come to my senses and recall that these are not the manners and mores of the comment box and I delete that and say Well done, Ange! Delighted for you! Hupla! (Huh!)

  16. I think being lucky is having good karma. You get what you put you must be a lovely and charming person! Congratulations on all your good luck.

  17. Dear Ange,

    This is certainly beautiful. The packaging is dripping with love, the love of friendship. I love the little birds nest with the heart.

    I know you will treasure these gifts.

    Thank you for sharing,

  18. absolutely gorgeous!!! I want to win one now!!!!


  19. I love a beautiful package at times more than the gift! Wonderful treasures!!!

  20. How delightful Ange! So beautifully wrapped and a thoughful present inside. Lucky you !

  21. Hey Ange

    I have given you a blog award today, don't feel as if you have to play along, I have passed this award onto you because I just love and enjoy your blog.


  22. Hello Ange, thank you for your comments over at mine, thought I would hop over and say hello, whilst having a quick break from mowing the lawn. Mind you with three lovely blogs to choose from, I did not know which one to plump for.

    What a lovely gift to receive and so exquisitely wrapped, a little treasure trove indeed.


Can't think of a famous quote that says 'communication makes the world go round' so you 'll just have to get my clumsy way of putting it instead ;-) Your comments are precious. Thanks for dropping by!