Friday, October 30, 2009

Maman les Petits Bateaux II

Voici une petite planche dédiée à Pom. Mon Pom d'amour. Le mien (un peu). Enfin, je le partage avec sa maman ... un petit peu.
Je ne suis que la Fairy Godmother.

Pom aime la mer et le ciel... comme moi!

Enfin, il m'inspire...

Encre, acrylique et collage + calligraphie sur planche de récup 
(fournisseur : SkippY)

N'oubliez pas d'allez voir mon message d'hier afin d'avoir la chance de gagner...
des petites emplettes pour Noël

PS. Si cette planche vous plaît, venez voir l'autre sur le même thème ici

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Light the Way Words of Joy and Peace. Give Away Riddle!

What do these old bedsprings (from the moth eaten base of an antique bed my parents in law were taking to the dump)

This old drum

and these antique shoe lasts (found under a pile of metal at a flea market)

all have in common?

All correct answers left as a comment on this post before Sunday 11pm Toulouse time will be in the draw to win a 4 piece set of ...

THESE little Words of Joy & Peace!
Hand made this week (see yesterday's post), and embellished with recycled ribbon
and other flea market finds like these

Use them as gift tags (with a hand written note on heavy tracing paper lightly pasted behind as I do) or christmas decorations, presents for the kids' teachers ...

3 Winners announced on Monday!
PS - There is a hint in the title...

Happy Thursday - Peace to all...

and even though it's Thursday - I'm linking this to
Small Footprints' Change the World Wednesday 
(I'm always running late...)
Reinventing new uses for old junk is also good for our Environment!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Aux Anges avec mon Ange (Vacances de la Toussaint obligent)

Lui, il s'ennuyait sans ses soeurs (et en plus elles jouent aux jeux de ...

Il s'ennuyait avec Mummy aussi. 

Alors on a fabriqué des décorations de noël ensemble.

Déjà?! Je vous entends dire?

Et oui - les semaines passent vite alors autant prendre un peu d'avance sous un soleil d'automne.

Pokemon aime le rouge ("C'est bien pour Noël Mummy")

Mummy aime le blanc

Hier, je lui ai trouvé un copain pour jouer pour que je puisse faire mes tableaux de 'grands.'
Tout le monde aux Anges donc...

(prochain 'post' les photos du résultat des décorations de Mummy finies 'aux pampilles')
Merci à Leah @ Creative Every Day d'avoir crée une motivation pour le mois d'Octobre: le thème CONNECT...

Monday, October 26, 2009

L'Aveyron: Off the beaten track

This weekend I ran for my life. On and on, up and down, around and across the Aveyron region looking for inspiration (or a bit of Roquefort cheese and l'Aligot more precisely).
After 20kms and 1000m elevation, as well as a quick wander round the gorgeous little village of Nant, this is what I came up with:

At the end, it's the feet that suffer most (and the thighs, ohhh the thighs)

But that's not the worst of it...

Feeling a bit shabby? Need a pick me up...

Or maybe something more substantial from the local boulangerie!

Mmm - over 5000 people flooded in for the races over the weekend. That's one busy baker!

I needed more. A girl needs to pamper herself after a race... Maybe a new handbag?

Just me: vintage, reused, recycled...
... into a letter box!

I needed a shower then - and with parking being difficult...

(Must be tricky getting your car out of that one!)

The race was back the hotel!
Looking forward to the next adventure though...
These little French villages all have a story to tell
so if I come back a bit shabby maybe,  it's definitely uplifting!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Les Ailes d'Ange des Templiers

Hier j'aurais du gagner un énorme PRIX!
Pourquoi, me demandez-vous? Parce qu'une femme née en 1900 devrait être félicitée d'avoir terminé un trail (course à pied en pleine nature) de 20km.

Et oui c'est ainsi que les organisateurs m'ont surclassée en catégorie Xtrème Véteran!!!

Maintenant vous comprenez que je reviens de loin...(voir l'état de mes pieds ci-dessous)

La chirurgie esthétique fait des miracles, mon diététicien est un alchémiste et mon kiné est un magicien. Là est mon secret de grimper en courant 1000m de dénivelé et d'arriver 27ième sur 267 féminines...

A plus de 100 ans, logiquement je devrais déjà être tout 'là haut.'  Tiens! C'est sûrement les ailes d'ange qui m'ont aidé à survoler la course...

Back to réalité... mes cuisses sont si douloureuses maintenant que je n'arrive même pas à descendre le moindre petit escalier. Ailes! Ailes! Où êtes-vous???

Et oui! J'ai passé un SUPER week end dans l'Aveyron au pays du Roquefort, avec ses paysages sublimes et son aligot délicieux!

Un grand merci à mes collègues de club: Laurence, Evelyne, Philippe, Gérard, Sacha et Jean François qui ont tous fait de grands exploits surhumains (bien plus que moi d'ailleurs) ce weekend au Festival des Templiers... Comme quoi - Quand on veut! On peut!

Photo :

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fabulously French Bubbles

Today is normally my footing day. (If you need to brush up on your 'French vernacular' more about footings here). But I was too excited. I had a special visitor coming and I wanted everything to be just Fabulous for her when she arrived.
Fabulous she was is, fabulous was the meeting up of two Kiwi French vintage enthusiasts, FaaaaBulous was the sparkling pink champagne (Forget Brimont - now there's a story I must remember to tell you!).
And fabulous will be my 'footing' tomorrow in Millau where I shall endeavour to make it through the 20km and 1200m elevation that make up the short VO2 Course des Templiers.  Oh dear! It is nearly midnight so the tomorrow may become today in the blink of an eye!

May I be as light as that pink champagne bubble tomorrow as its memory whispers inside my head  'Enthusiasm, Possible, Enthusiasm, Possible ...'

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rêve d'Ange

Ce soir je fais un voeu
Je vous envoie loin sur un rêve d'Ange
Bon voyage sur votre nuage
Dormez bien....

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Marathon Awards or 7 things you (never) wanted to know about ME!

  Upon my return from Barcelona I was amazed (and pretty chuffed) to have received a Kreativ Blogger award from Julie at BeingRuby. Julie thinks she is the boring workaholic and that Ruby is the adventurer... But Ruby would be nothing without the hardworking Julie, with whom I share a love of adventure and far off places. I also hope to acquire her photographic talents by osmosis some time in the near future. In any case thanks Julie, and I look forward to sharing many adventures with you - which you may wish to opt out of once you have read the "7 things about me" part below ;-)

1) I'm an incurable optimist. I am incapable of seeing problems until I'm so deep into them that I am farrrrrr up the creek in the proverbial barbed wire canoe. Had  I been on the Titanic, I would not have seen the danger until I found myself floating in ice cold water clutching for dear life onto a piece of drift wood. And then I would surely have been rescued and taken it home as a reminder of my great adventure, to paint on.

2) I have been told that I could sell ice to the eskimos. This is probably true, as long as it's not my ice, and I like the said ice. I can however, staunchly defend, coach and 'sell' any one of my friends or their products. This is one of my more redeeming features!

3) I am a smiler. I really do believe that Laughter is the Music of the Soul so Yes! Definitely a smiler! I thought I never frowned, until the other day at my yearly dermatologist check up when it was politely suggested that I botox into oblivion the unsightly frown line just between my eyes.  Ahh - the joys of aging in a plastic society! Oh well - at least I don't have some sort of obscure skin problem to cope with...!!

4) I have soooooo much energy that I believe it has become my moral obligation to my family and the entire Earth in general, to take Dr Jekyl mummy out for a run, bike or rockclimb at least 3 times per week so I don't turn into Mr Hyde too regularly.

5) I absolutely detest cabbage (unless raw) in any form. This did not prevent me from reluctantly accepting 8 dinner invitations during my first year in Paris to enjoy 'home made' sauerkraut (choucroute) because I didn't have the heart to say no once I heard, "You don' like cabbage? Tha's cos you no taste my Maman's Choucroute."
6) For my 30th birthday in Paris I had asked for nibs, ink and paper from all my friends in order to begin to learn the art of calligraphy. I ended up starting 5 year's ago in Toulouse and cannot imagine ever leaving my lessons with Anne and 'the group' on a Thursday morning.

7) Before my 40th birthday - I will set up a fair trade project with Tibetan and other Asian minority women's groups. Every decade needs its corresponding goal!

     Now, it seems that I must share the good fortune, a bit like a fortune cookie, and pass the Kreative Blogger Award on. Sooooo these are the people and their blogs (other than Julie's) that have the most inspired me since I fell into blogland...

    Small Footprints @ SmallFootprints

    Wow - now that was a marathon! If you got this far down: these are my wishes for you too!

    Monday, October 19, 2009

    Barcelone: Colorie moi en... PROPRE

    Barcelone, berceau de la couleur! Où il fait TRES BEAU

    Un monde en mouvement perpétuel... Un grand rire multicolore. Un arc en ciel de formes voluptueuses. Barcelone parle, chante...VIE!

    La plage, comme d'habitude, me chuchote ses conseils ...

    J'ai pu jouer à Lara Croft de la platja pendant une journée:

    On effet - tout est bon à colorier!

    Sunday, October 18, 2009

    Baaaaaaarrrrrrr celona! (Thanks Freddy)

    I disappeared to Barcelona for the weekend, without warning anyone. I like disappearing. Makes me feel...

     ... magic.

    Barcelona has no fear of form or colour. It is a full on swirl of rainbow music, a myriad of words one on top of the other, underneath and inside as well, with NO PUNCTUATION! Breathing in and out is almost a simultaneous action with no pause. Everything exists all at once... with a permanent exclamation mark!

    You don't go for a run through Barcelona - you fly through it. From Besos (Kisses) to The Big W (Hotel, not supermarket for the Aussies ;-) this was my 15k run on a 22° Saturday evening Barcelona style in no particular order, as there is no order: La Femme au Chocolat, 20 year olds in shorts and bare feet off the beach, naked men off the beach, Hewy Lewis and the News, 20year olds in green stockings black opened toed heels and patterned shirts, Don't Leave Me This Way, Miro statues, Whale monuments, Surfersinandoutofthewater, boysbands, transsexual parades, The Eagles, into the less touristy Parca de la Citadella (less than the Parc Guell at least) and its fabulous world of marginality. Real Life. Art and movement in fluid form: jugglers, capoeira, volleyballers, acrobats, singers, dancers, rollerbladers, spanish guitar, cobbled streets, flashes of yellow. Flash, swirl, poof and my feet have left the ground for my wings are out and I am no longer breathing. I have merged with and become Barcelona in all its colour...

    Quite simply alive with inspiration!

    Phew! I'll be back to normal tomorrow.
    Posted by Picasa

    Thursday, October 15, 2009

    Counting my Blessings

    Hmm - no I haven't finished all I (unrealistically) set out to do, but I have laughed often and much! Have YOU?

    Maman les Petits Bateaux

    Cette planche, une de mes toutes premières, est dédiée à SkippY.

    Collage sur vieille planche de toit
    (sauvée de justesse d'une mort certaine dans un feu de cheminée)

    Que tu retrouves tes ailes et que le vent remplisse tes voiles - et t'emplisse d'un nouveau souffle!

    Wednesday, October 14, 2009

    Open the door and light the way...

    It is just an old door adorned with an albeit ornate 'applique.'
    They are relics of broken pieces left discarded, wet and black, by the firemen which were lovingly rescued and reincarnated by me on return from holidays in Australia.
    Amusingly, this is the piece in my house that, at every sale I have held, everyone most wants to buy.  Yet, it is one of the few things I still can't let go of...
    This old door still has a story to tell.
    Watch this space!
    Soon its secrets will be illuminated ...

    Wine boxes, book boxes : Necessity is the mother of invention!

    Eureka! The messmonsters' bedside tables are recycling history!
     It always seemed a shame to send all those gorgeous French wine boxes to the cinders but I was at bit of a loss as to how to use them otherwise.

    Hurray for messmonsters then! No matter how much I tidied their room, there was always a pile of books on the floor next to the bed (not necessarily an indication that they were reading them but hey, there's always hope!)

    Typical weekly scenario:

    Me (with vaccy cleaner in hand) - Kids, would you please tidy your books into the book case?
    Messmonsters - Sure Mum! Grumble grumble, but I'm playing.
    Me - If the books aren't picked up in 5 mts I will vacuum them up! (hoping that the 5 year old wouldn't tilt)
    Messmonsters - Get real The books won't fit up the vacuum cleaner Mum!
    Me - (Not silly are they? Must be mine ;-)

    After a quick visit to Bubble in Paris and a subsequent tour of Ethan's room - I spied a fabulous invention that would put paid to my nagging, tidy the books, and make vacuuming easier: THE BOOK BOX.

    Recipe: 1 wooden wine box, 4 funky wheels, paint (non toxic obviously) an hour or so to throw the lot togther!

    What do you think?

    Lilibelle got pink but I just couldn't resisit a splash of orange in Pokémon's one!

    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    L'Ange de Baudelaire

    Mais de toi je n'implore

     Que tes prières
    Ange plein de Bonheur,
    de la Joie
    et de lumières!

    Ange, je vous promets d'être douce avec mon pinceau.
    Je ne ferai qu'effleurer vos plumes d'un souffle léger apportant blancheur et lumière.
    Car vous étiez terne quand je vous ai trouvé.

    ... Peut-être M. Baudelaire vous aurait-il reconnu?